Friday, May 17, 2013

Help Send Bronwyn to NOLOSE

Hi everyone!

If you've been friends with me for any length of time, you know this isn't something I normally do- and it's been a long time since those days when I was in 4-H selling cookies and collecting cans to fundraise for the club and myself.

Anyhow, this year in July, a great conference called NOLOSE is taking place in Portland, OR.  I'm trying to raise money for travel expenses- I've already got registration taken care of, and now I just need to raise enough money to cover my hotel room and gas for the car- Yep, I'll be driving 11 hours each way!

That's where you guys come in.  If you can spare it- and believe me, I know not everyone can- I'd love it if you could donate a few dollars to my cause.  I'm looking to raise $300, which should just about cover what I need.

And if you include your physical address with the donation, I'll send you a special thank you via snail mail- who doesn't love that?

I really hope I'll be able to make it to NOLOSE this year, because it looks like there are going to be some amazing workshops on feminist and social issues that are really important to me and a lot of people.  If you can't donate, it'd also be awesome if you could just share this around to anyone you think might be inclined to help.

Thanks again :)

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