Monday, August 27, 2007

Some knitting is getting done..

First, a project coming out of retirement
Ruffly Stuff

Ruffly Stuff

I don't really know what It's going to be, it's really more just for me to play with the yarn so I might just have it around for inspiration or something. From that Linie stuff with the ruffles like the yarn harlot used for that awesome orange scarf.

Ravenclaw Ribby Socks

Again, for anyone who doesn't remember, they are KnitPicks Gloss & KnitPicks Palette. I'm feeling all accomplished and stuff now. Just got the leg part left to go.

After I finish these socks I'm on to the pi shawl I started ages ago.. or I might have to knit more for the HSKS3 Swap.. lol. Yay.

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