Thursday, May 04, 2006

Busy Busy

So, tomorrow is the LAST DAY of classes. MEEP! I've still got sooo much work to do that I'm going crazy, but I'm doing it. I'm also trying to keep up with my Etsy Shop, which is working out pretty well but I don't think I have time to make another journal today so I think I might be listing some yarn tonight. We'll have to see. I'm going to be going nuts with work and stuff like that, so who knows.

I added some new features to the blog- if you wanna subscribe to me, then go ahead and pop your email into the box over yonder on your right- you'll get all the updates and stuff! Also, if you guys wanna add me on Myspace, that's fine too. I don't honestly like MySpace that much but I'm just trying to network and get my name out there for the shop, and mLee says she gets some sales from myspace, so we'll see.

This was what my pretty amaryllis looked like a few days ago. I think it's my fault that it is wilting now; I like to play with flowers, and I pollinated the damned things. Well, it didn't occur to me then but when I went out to the Lansing orchard for Orchard Management he talked about how the flowers will generally stay blooming until they are pollinated, but they will drop petals almost immediately once they are pollinated... So I'm pretty sure that it's my fault my amaryllis didn't last that long. It is OK though, I have a nice bright red one that's just starting to bloom, so I'll enjoy that for a while.

Sooo glad class is almost over. Look for more crafty stuff from me soon.

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